Friday, May 2, 2008

From Red To Black Blog

One of the plus side joining myLot (about myLot, read the article below) is I meet a lot of new friends and visit their blogs. Some of them are good blogs with nice lay out and content. Some of them are not. So I decided to promote in here, series of blog that I thought was good and informative. The first blog that pop into my mind is From Red To Black Blog by Ethan Smith.

Ethan is currently a freshman in university. The lay out of the blog is simple yet attractive. He did not put many banner or ads there which is always a plus. What unique about his blog is how he told everybody how he pay his college without getting a job. Sound interesting, right? I am curious how he could do that so I decided to read all of his blog entries.

Turn out I also learnt a thing or two from there. Like now I know this 2 sites where you can submit your blog and get made your blog well known. Visit Technorati and Blog Rush for those of you who wanted additional traffic to your blog.

In the blog, Ethan also share his experience what sites that paid you money just to do easy task like socializing etc and his journey thru supporting himself where he said that his first real job will be in this summer. Ethan also managed two online stores at ecrater and still pursuing his dream to make his first website online in future. Not to mention he decided to do another few blogs. Talking about buuussyyyy as a bee. :)

If you wanted to had some good tips about online money or other cool sites and stuff, just click From Red To Black Blog and visit Ethan now.

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Thanks so much for writing this!

I am compiling some answers to your questions - I will PM them to you via mylot!
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This is my first attempt to make freebies blog. Hope I can do a good job about it. :)